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7 Last-Minute Tax Tips: Quick Actions Small Business Owners Can Take to Meet the April 15th Deadline

tax tips for small businesses

As the April 15th tax deadline approaches, small business owners are on a tight schedule to get their financial books in order and finalize their tax filings. Timely tax preparation ensures compliance with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and can maximize potential tax savings. This becomes a critical period in business, and specific strategic actions must be taken so that small businesses remain compliant, maximize returns, and minimize liabilities when filing taxes. This article provides seven actionable tax tips to help small business owners navigate the crunch time effectively.

Organizing Financial Records

Gathering Necessary Documents and Receipts

As one of the basics for filing taxes, small businesses must gather all pertinent financial documents, such as invoices, bank statements, expense receipts, and payroll details. Gathering these documents helps small businesses aggregate and systemize these records to afford a vast, complete record base for use in tax preparation and filing.

Utilizing Accounting Software for Efficient Record-Keeping

Accounting software simplifies record-keeping, facilitating easier tax preparation and real-time financial tracking. Nowadays, small business owners are privileged to have several programs dedicated to clientele and account record-keeping management. Up-to-date accounting software helps your business to integrate seamlessly with other leading accounting software platforms. It offers you direct access to ensure your business’s financial data is accurate and up to date for filing taxes. Thanks to such tools, financial data can be structured and sorted according to the classification rules in preparation for tax filing.

Creating a Checklist to Ensure Nothing Is Overlooked

For small business owners, a broad checklist will guard against the usual omissions and assure the inclusion of all required documents and information, which are requisites during the preparation to file taxes. A checklist should comprise the fields of income, deductible expenses, tax documents, and any specific information related to their unique business type. At the end of this financial review, the business owner should have a checklist covering all financial records.

Maximizing Deductions and Credits

Identifying Eligible Business Expenses

Understanding what makes up a deductible business expense helps ensure small businesses make the most of tax-saving opportunities. From home computers and vehicles to social networking-related expenditures to staff and benefits, all business owners should be careful to keep relevant documentation as this will enable them to use the deduction system to the utmost extent. Identifying eligible business expenses helps small business owners take advantage of all possible deductions.

Exploring Available Tax Deductions and Credits for Small Businesses

The tax code gives an array of deductions and credits meant to support small businesses. Alongside typical business expenses, SME proprietors must check for available pertinent deductions to their sector. For instance, the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit, the Research and Development Tax Credit, and several state and local incentives are all geared towards the same purpose: promoting small businesses. We guide you to strategically employ the most recent tax benefits to lower your taxable income and increase your tax savings. At Xendoo, we also keep up with the latest tax benefits to ensure that businesses signed with us get the most out of the benefits.

Strategizing to Maximize Tax Savings

Strategic tax planning is essential to optimizing small business outcomes. With a thorough knowledge of eligibility for deductions and credits, entrepreneurs can now employ tactics that help them minimize tax liability. This could involve reformatting certain parts of the business systems or making good use of the timing of investments and purchases by aligning them with tax compliance. Our bookkeeping services include expert professional advice on the structure of transactions and operations to maximize available benefits and opportunities by saving more on your tax bill.

Navigating Tax Law Changes

Highlighting Recent Changes in Tax Laws Affecting Small Businesses

Tax laws are constantly changing, and they significantly affect small businesses. Significant updates and modifications are made to initial tax laws as often as monthly. Business owners should consider keeping themselves updated with recent amendments that may frame their filing of return of income, which otherwise can be detrimental to the company due to delayed payments and, in some extreme cases, penalties. Let us help you stay updated with all the changes to ensure your business stays compliant and takes advantage of new opportunities the tax law updates might create.

Understanding Implications and Opportunities Presented by Tax Law Updates

Effective tax planning considers the implications and impacts of the changes in tax laws and their applicability. Each tax legislation change has pros and cons because of its diverse impacts. Both partnerships and LLCs need to be fully informed about these impacts regardless. These changes bring about essential tax savings if carefully considered. Our book-handling services provide you as a business owner with expert analysis on how changes in tax laws impact your business and alert you to opportunities that will see new provisions for tax savings.

Consulting with a Tax Professional for Personalized Guidance

Most tax law changes require interpretation. Accounting for complicated tax laws and the high rate of environmental changes leaves small companies with only one option: to reach out to experienced tax lawyers or accountants. These professional consultants can offer personalized advice and tailor it to the specific needs and circumstances of the business so that any unclaimed deductions and credits are discouraged and errors are avoided. Our people-first mentality ensures you receive personalized attention and expert guidance throughout your financial journey. We share your passion and your dedication to making your dreams a reality inspires us. That’s why we’re committed to providing you with the financial visibility and support you need to thrive. We build meaningful relationships with our clients and understand their needs.

Utilizing Technology for Efficiency

Overview of Tax Preparation Software Options

The right tax preparation software can greatly increase efficiency and accuracy during tax filing. In the digital era, small business owners have many tax preparation software applications that can facilitate filing by shortening the time to prepare the returns. Be it user-friendly tools designed specifically for small businesses or more comprehensive solutions covering complex tax scenarios, these tools make tax preparation a more straightforward job driving the sector’s development. Based on your business’s needs, we have bookkeeping and accounting solutions that best match your business model and streamline tax filing.

Streamlining Tax Filing Processes with Digital Tools

Digital tools help automate many stages of tax preparations, from calculations to final submission. This effort reduces time and creates a lower risk of human mistakes since accuracy is considered higher when filing taxes. With the help of the best technology, Xendoo.com is there to make your tax filing process a breeze, assure you that you save time, and reduce the possibility of making a mistake.

Ensuring Data Security and Accuracy When Using Technology

In digital tax preparation, prime concentration is paid toward data security and accuracy. Although technology, in some cases, may provide support in tax preparation, and there are some instances when using data digital tools is indispensable, it’s equally important to keep in mind the necessity for the security of the data and accuracy in using the digital tools. Small business owners need to use due diligence in choosing a software provider based on how the company ensures the data stored on their platforms are secure. at Xendoo.com uses advanced security measures to protect your financial data and ensure that your tax filing data is safe and accurate. Our entry systems enable small business owners to double-check their calculations and entries when inputting information to ensure the accuracy of their financial records.

Handling Contractor Forms and Other Documents

Collecting and Verifying 1099 Forms from Contractors

Proper management of the 1099 forms is crucial to accurate tax reports. Small businesses dealing with independent contractors must be cautious; they must collect and review the 1099 forms from each contractor before the year-end tax deadline. These forms provide crucial details about grants whose payments were given to private contractors, and if a mistake is made, it may result in penalties or audits. Small firms could be income earners from various origins, i.e., sales, services, investments, and properties that can be rented. Our bookkeeping services help collect, verify, and organize 1099 forms from your contractors to help achieve compliant and accurate payment reporting to the contractor.

Reporting Income Accurately from Various Sources

Accurate tax filing means accurately reporting income from different sources. It is crucial to meet all income-earning sources to avoid incurring fines and comply with tax laws. Keeping journal entries up to date and comparing individual credit memos to the financials is critical to correct income reporting. Accuracy must be maintained in reporting, thereby minimizing the chances of errors and penalties.

Tips for Addressing Discrepancies or Missing Information

Small business owners must attend immediately to the discrepancies or missing information resulting from contractor forms or other documents. This may involve contacting subcontractors for explanations, private consultation with tax specialists, or appeals to the authority of relevant government agencies to receive the correct and timely reporting. Xendoo’s bookkeeping services include the expertise you need to correct discrepancies or fill in missing information to ensure your tax filings are complete and accurate. We provide the financial visibility and support small businesses need to thrive and scale. Let us handle the financial burden so you can focus on what matters most – running your business and achieving your goals.

Avoiding Common Tax Mistakes

Identifying and Avoiding Common Errors in Tax Filing

Due to the intricacy and probability of compounding errors with this process, filing taxes has often been a difficult task for small businesses to deal with. Succinctly stated, the common pitfalls involve underestimated cost of living, forgetting to inform about income sources, neglecting required forms, and misunderstanding of tax laws. These are common mistakes that may lead you to an audit or penalty. Xendoo.com will help you avoid such pitfalls and, more so, help you be sure that your tax filing is error-proof.

Double-Checking Calculations and Entries for Accuracy

All business owners want to avoid mistakes by double-checking all calculations, entries, and documents; that is why they should check everything before filing their tax returns. One preparation step is to review the financial statements, check deductions and credits, and ensure that all incomes and expenditures are reported appropriately. Small business owners need to ensure that their business records are accurate down to the last decimal, especially when it comes to entered data and calculated entries.

Learning from Past Mistakes to Improve Future Tax Filings

Analyzing previous tax filing processes and pinpointing mistakes can be crucial steps for small business owners that will allow them to enhance their capabilities. By studying past misstatements and trying to improve the trajectory to rectify them, any future filings will be accessible, and the chance of mistakes being made will be significantly reduced. From analyzing records, we at Xendoo offer insights that would prevent past financial record-keeping mistakes from happening; this progressively improves your filing.

Exploring Extensions and Estimated Tax Payments

Understanding the Option to File for a Tax Extension

It does add some time to your tax preparation, but it can do wonders to ensure things are correct. Often, small business owners are granted an extension on their taxes when there is insufficient time to collect all the requisite information or finalize filing the tax return. This can erase the panicky situation for the last minute and not push filers to submit hurried or faulty filings, which can attract penalties and errors. However, small business owners need to ensure that the extension pushes the filing due date rather than the extent of the payment deadlines. Xendoo.com can walk with you on how to file an extension and ensure you know what it means and what it takes.

Making Estimated Tax Payments to Avoid Penalties

Small business owners who anticipate owing taxes are advised to consider making estimated tax payments to prevent cheques or interest charges. If the pre-bid meeting or communication is not done correctly, the procurement officer can be liable for heavy fines, even with the extension sought. Calculate and pay estimated tax so that penalties are withheld with the extension. We offer you advice on making those payments and remaining in a positive standing with your business.

Factors to Consider Before Opting for an Extension or Estimated Payments

It is vital to consider whether filing an extension or paying estimated payments would be better for your business. Before deciding to get an extension or making the estimated tax payments, small business people should apply critical thinking only to their particular situation. For instance, whether they have cash flow, the tax returns they file, and whether they need all the necessary documents. Seeking tax advice from professionals not only helps a taxpayer to make the right choice but also to understand various tax implications.

Navigating the tax season requires diligence, strategic planning, and support. By favorable implementation of the seven top last-minute tax strategies, small business owners will confidently navigate the intricacies of tax filing while ensuring compliance and maximizing potential savings. Taking advantage of guidance from an experienced tax advisor is a necessary process that will help reconstruct the tax code and its regulation changes. Remember, the goal is not just to meet the deadline but to do so in a way that benefits your business’s financial health and future growth prospects.

About Xendoo

We share your passion for small businesses and are inspired by your dedication to making your dreams a reality. That’s why we’re committed to providing you with the financial visibility and support you need to thrive.

More Than Just Numbers

It’s more than simply crunching numbers. It’s about building meaningful relationships with our clients and understanding their needs. Our people-first mentality ensures you receive personalized attention and expert guidance throughout your financial journey.

A One-Stop Solution

Xendoo offers a comprehensive suite of services, including:

  • Full-service bookkeeping and accounting team to free up your time and resources.
  • Hassle-free tax preparation and filing
  • Fractional CFO Services to work with you on a roadmap of future growth
  • A dashboard that provides real-time financial insights

Passionate about your success? Xendoo is, too. We provide the financial visibility and support small businesses need to thrive and scale. Let us handle the financial burden so you can focus on what matters most – running your business and achieving your goals.

Contact Xendoo today and discover how we can give you time back to grow your business.

7 Common Bookkeeping Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them)

small business woman doing bookkeeping

Running a small business means juggling lots at once, but quite possibly, the most important one is keeping meticulous financial records. Bookkeeping is an essential part of organized financial management and paves the way for the business to maneuver through the complications of financial control. However, with all these activities, the primary activity that usually goes unsung by an entrepreneur is bookkeeping. It is not just a recording of transactions but the creation of a system of openness and accountability towards finances. Without the right approach and right tools, however, of reliable accounting software such as Xero, QuickBooks, or is important and will turn cumbersome work into swift and effective procedures. These platforms help businesses with monotonous tasks,  keep a record of expenses easily, and help develop elaborative financial reports, which makes it like a roadmap for success for small businesses.

Neglecting Reliable Accounting Software

Failing to invest in sound accounting software is a regular oversight with small businesses. Buying systems such as Xero, or QuickBooks, provide benefits to different aspects of your business, ranging from mere bookkeeping activities to expense tracking. This measure translates to the software facilitating the financial process that includes invoicing, tracking expenses, and reconciling bank records by saving time and effort. Second, the provision of detailed financial reports at the touch of a button is invaluable and, in return, empowers one with the decision-making processes within the business. It only means that these kinds of software are integrated into business operations and, therefore, enable accurate records and analysis of transactions related to finance.

Failure to Establish Dedicated Business Accounts

The most common error of small businesses is mixing the finances of a business and personal finances. Without a clear separation of business accounts, finances may be mixed up, possibly leading to distorted bookkeeping and clear visibility of where your business stands. It is critical to have dedicated business accounts, where entrepreneurs streamline their finances and bolster credibility and trust within the marketplace. Clear separation of personal and business finances leads to compliance and sound tax reporting and lays a solid foundation for financial health and growth.

Irregular Reconciliation of Accounts

Consistently reconciling bank and credit card accounts would seem a rather mundane exercise in maintaining financial integrity, but it is one of the most important. Regular checks help ensure that the financial records reflect the true picture of your business’s finances, and minimizes the risk that an error or discrepancy will go unnoticed. It also considers any possible financial pitfalls in discovering irregularities or unauthorized transactions in good time.  Timely reconciliation presents a clear view of the cash flow so proactive decision-making may increase, ensuring visibility in financial matters.

Disorganized Financial Records

Good bookkeeping largely depends on the systematic organization of financial records for small businesses. A systematic approach toward invoices, receipts, bills, and other important documents is paramount for small businesses. An organized set of financial records will give business owners easy access to important information within a very short time. This measure could easily avoid the risk of negligence of critical financial data and improve the efficiency in the overall financial management process of any business

Inadequate Expense Tracking

Lack of proper expense tracking is a major issue for most small businesses, it leads to spending patterns getting obscured and potential lost opportunities to optimize finances. Inefficiencies and lack of visibility may affect business profitability without a proper expense categorization system. A good expense tracking mechanism ensures that companies know the cost areas where savings could be made, resulting in saving costs in several areas and budgeting accordingly to allow businesses to make informed decisions.  

Ignoring Cash Flow Monitoring

Monitoring cash flow regularly is necessary to maintain the financial stability of small businesses. Cash flow influences almost every activity in an organization, from day-to-day expenses to long-term investments. Lack of cash flow visibility in this area means that the business may be asleep at the switch when unforeseen opportunities strike or financial crises.  This technique paves the way for making proactive decisions and making strategic plans once the financial health of the business is highlighted.

Invoicing Best Practices

Efficient invoicing is more than sending out bills and is really about ensuring smooth sailing processes so that all payables are made on time, leading to good client relationships. Invoice automation through online software allows for organization and ease of the invoicing process, streamlining the workflow and removing any friction that billing may have. Automated processes can then follow up on the status of overdue invoices, allowing faster collections and lessening the risk of a gap in cash flow.

With robust strategies and modern services like Xendoo, businesses will avoid complexities in managing finances. With Xendoo, you have access to a dedicated team of financial experts ready to assist you with your bookkeeping and accounting needs. Our innovative solutions ensure the accuracy and organization of your books, reducing errors and discrepancies. From monthly bank reconciliation to the meticulous tracking of expenses, Xendoo offers services that relieve the time and stress involved in managing finances for your company, leaving you more time to work on growth for your business. Schedule a free consultation today to find out how Xendoo can free up your time so you can do what you love and grow your business. 

Bookkeeping in the Digital Age: 10 Modern Solutions for Business Owners

small business owners doing accounting and bookkeeping

In today’s fast-evolving business world, digitizing financial processes has become imperative for competitiveness and managing financial health. All the tools and approaches with modern technology presented for keeping books enable an owner of a business to make decisions well-informed. Here are ten tips and tactics for innovative digital bookkeeping strategies and insights on how Xendoo will address your financial needs.

1. Embrace Cloud-Based Accounting Software

The benefits of migrating to cloud-based accounting software for small businesses are tremendous. Some platforms, such as Xero and QuickBooks Online, allow real-time access to financial data from practically any device that can get online. Intuitive user interfaces and automation features handle routine tasks like invoicing, expense tracking, and financial reporting. They may also integrate smoothly with other business applications to improve efficiency and productivity.

2. Utilize Digital Receipt Management

 Digital receipt management solutions revolutionize the way businesses handle expenses. Receipts captured through a smartphone camera in apps such as Receipt Bank and Expensify ensure that they are automatically extracted with all the needed details to categorize and reconcile expenses. Going digital with receipts would ensure that paper clutter is eradicated, manual data entry errors are reduced, and processes on reimbursing employee expenses are made smoother and more manageable.

3. Implement Automated Bank Feeds

Automated bank feeds make reconciling transactions from the bank and credit card statements with the accounting software much easier. One would be able to sync financial data from bank accounts directly and, in this regard, do away with manual data entry with reduced errors and ensure records are exact. Feeding the information into the accounting software by the automated bank feeds would prompt the accurate and real-time retrieval of all information regarding transactions from the bank. Reconciliations are facilitated, saving the company time and effort on behalf of the business owners and accounting staff.

4. Explore AI-Powered Bookkeeping Solutions

AI bookkeeping-powered solutions operate via machine learning algorithms to do repetitious work and provide insightful data about financial performance. They help classify transactions, detect anomalies, and even customize reports, making bookkeeping more efficient. Leverage the power of AI to do away with manual intervention, reduce errors, and make some strategic decisions.

5. Adopt Digital Payment Solutions

Digital payment solutions like PayPal, Stripe, and Square offer numerous business advantages, including faster payment reception, less paperwork, and better cash flow management. Accepting payments speeds up the process of invoicing and quickens receivables when done digitally, increasing liquidity for the business. Moreover, these digital payment solutions are easily connected with accounting software and impact transaction reconciliation, providing a clearer real-time picture of the financial position.

6. Leverage Blockchain Technology for Transparency

Blockchain technology offers a decentralized and transparent ledger system that can change financial record-keeping. Applying blockchain-based platforms will help increase the security level of financial transactions and bring out transparency and immutability. Blockchain technology can increase tamper-proof record-keeping, decrease fraud risk, and ensure the integrity of all available data. More importantly, the ability of blockchain solutions to offer real-time visibility into transactions makes it possible to track assets, simplifies auditing procedures, and creates trust among the relevant parties.

7. Implement Multi-factor Authentication for Security

Multi-factor authentication is one of the core security measures in the wake of growing cybersecurity threats. This security measure has to be implemented since it requires so many levels of identification of one’s self by a person before access to an account or system is granted. MFA reduces the risk of unauthorized access, data compromise, and financial fraud. Apart from the increased compliance with the regulatory bodies, MFA also increases the confidence of the customers and stakeholders.

8. Stay Abreast of Regulatory Changes

Regulatory compliance remains a moving terrain for businesses in the digital era, which they must keep a keen eye on, whether it concerns tax laws, accounting standards, data privacy, or the delivery of goods and services. Being updated on regulation changes really is a long way to helping businesses make sure they are legally compliant, take minimal risks, and do not attract penalties, which could be very costly. This notion means ensuring the proper up-to-date information is received from government agencies, industry associations, and legal experts and seeking professional guidance occasionally.

9. Leverage Data Analytics for Insights

Data analytics helps businesses get insights into financial performance, identify trends or patterns, and identify key performance indicators. In return, the analysis of financial data equips one with the basis that they can make well-informed decisions, optimize processes, and boost growth. Using advanced features of data analytics tools like predictive modeling, trend analysis, and scenario planning will help businesses anticipate changes in the market and build new opportunities out of them. Further, data-driven decision-making would instill innovation and agility. Hence, businesses remain fitter for the long haul in the digital economy.

10.  Invest in Continuous Learning and Development

As technology continues to evolve, investments in the continuous learning and development of business managers should be made to keep in line with the developments. This measure involves going to workshops, webinars, and online courses that expand one’s knowledge and skills in the digital way of keeping books. In addition, businesses have to support employees in certification, areas of personal development, and training related to the industry. Investments in continuous learning and development kindle the culture of innovation, adaptability, and excellence that makes the business relevant to the dynamic digital space.

Embracing modern bookkeeping solutions can transform how you manage your business finances. Equipped with such few tools, which include dependable accounting software, dedicated business accounts, and proactive financial practices, your business will be well set, ready, and positioned for success in this era of the digital age. From expert bookkeeping to financial management, Xendoo is with you every step of the way. It involves staff dedicated to handling your business books, accountants, and CPAs with a complete package for you. From preparing and reconciling monthly statements to detailed expense management and tax preparation,   Xendoo has you covered with professional, expert oversight. Schedule a call with Xendoo today and take the first step toward ensuring a brighter financial future for your business.


About Xendoo

We share your passion for small businesses and are inspired by your dedication to making your dreams a reality. That’s why we’re committed to providing you with the financial visibility and support you need to thrive.

More Than Just Numbers

It’s more than simply crunching numbers. It’s about building meaningful relationships with our clients and understanding their needs. Our people-first mentality ensures you receive personalized attention and expert guidance throughout your financial journey.

A One-Stop Solution

Xendoo offers a comprehensive suite of services, including:

  • Full-service bookkeeping and accounting team to free up your time and resources.
  • Hassle-free tax preparation and filing 
  • Fractional CFO Services to work with you on a  roadmap of future growth
  • A dashboard that provides real-time financial insights

Passionate about your success? Xendoo is, too. We provide the financial visibility and support small businesses need to thrive and scale. Let us handle the financial burden so you can focus on what matters most – running your business and achieving your goals.

Contact Xendoo today and discover how we can give you time back to grow your business.

What happens if you get audited and don’t have receipts?

what happens if you get audited and don't have receipts

Most small businesses are unlikely to go through an IRS audit, but it’s possible. 

What happens if you get audited and don’t have receipts to back your expenses? It’s a common question and concern for many business owners. 

The best way to avoid headaches during an IRS audit is to keep accurate business records and bookkeeping year-round, including tracking receipts. 

Receipts are a paper trail for your business transactions and taxes. Without them, it’s harder to prove your tax deductions and other records are accurate. However, forgetting or misplacing receipts happens, especially when you’re busy running a business.

The IRS regularly deals with missing receipts, so there are guidelines for what businesses can do if they don’t have receipts. 

Xendoo’s bookkeepers and CPAs have years of experience managing business records. Below, learn everything you need to know about IRS audits and receipts. 

Table of contents

Why do businesses need receipts?

Receipts are records and proof of payment for the income and expenses your small business claims on tax returns. Without receipts, you may not be able to prove that a business transaction took place.

Businesses should keep receipts for record-keeping, but also to claim tax deductions and credits. 

For example, if you’re traveling away from home for a business trip, you could deduct travel expenses, which would save you money on taxes.

However, you’ll need to prove that the travel was for business purposes and keep receipts for items like: 

  • Airfare
  • Hotels
  • Parking fees
  • Car rental or ride-share
  • Other travel expenses 

Receipts businesses should keep

Receipts aren’t the only records businesses should keep; they help you track your income and expenses. 

Companies track a lot of receipts. Some examples of costs that you’ll need receipts for include: 

  • Office supplies and equipment 
  • Inventory purchases
  • Advertising and professional services
  • Company training and employee education
  • Travel expenses

Since this isn’t an exhaustive list, it’s best to track all your business receipts and update your records regularly. To make the process simpler, many small business owners use business expense tracking and receipt apps

A bookkeeping service can also advise you on which records and receipts to track (and in some cases, do it for you). 

What happens if you get audited and don’t have receipts

You have several options if you’re audited and don’t have receipts. Because the IRS regularly deals with missing receipts, there are standard steps businesses can follow.

In most cases, you can track down receipts or provide other documents, which we’ll outline later, to prove an expense. The worst-case scenario is that the IRS may remove some business tax credits and deductions you claim. 

Audits aren’t as big a deal as movies and the media make them out to be, especially if you keep organized business records. There are many reasons the IRS might audit a business, but most happen due to random selection or tax errors.

If the IRS audits you, you’ll receive a notification letter. From there, you’ll communicate with your auditor and provide the documents they ask for.

The IRS doesn’t always share what triggered an audit, but these are some red flags: 

  • Over or under-reported income 
  • Suspiciously high tax credit and deduction claims
  • Rounded numbers ($2,000) for expenses instead of exact amounts ($1,930) 
  • Other mistakes or inaccurate data

Although tax professionals and CPAs are familiar with tax laws and can help you navigate an audit, they focus on avoiding audits first. Business tax services prepare and file taxes for you, so they’ll catch inaccuracies and mistakes before you send tax returns to the IRS.

What to do when you don’t have receipts

If you don’t have receipts and you’re worried about an IRS audit, you have two options.

  1. Hire a catch up bookkeeping service that also has tax CPAs. They’ll get your records caught up, file your taxes accurately, and help you avoid an audit in the future. 
  2. Gather all the receipts and tax documents yourself. You’ll need the time to dig through and organize your business records.

If you don’t do either of the above options, you’ll likely take the loss of deductions or credits. Depending on your situation, you may need to pay IRS fees.

Let’s look at the steps you can take when you don’t have receipts. 

1. The Cohan rule

Missing receipts are so common that since the 1930s, a legal rule has outlined options for taxpayers who don’t have them. It’s called the Cohan rule, and in some cases, you can use it to claim deductions if you’re missing receipts. 

In a nutshell, the Cohan rule says that:

  • You can claim business expenses without receipts if they’re reasonable and credible.
  • The IRS may not allow you to claim the full amount. Instead, they’ll calculate the minimum standard amount for expenses.

The Cohan rule has helped many small business owners prove their expenses when missing receipts. However, the IRS can reject your deductions even if you follow the Cohan rule. 

For example, you can’t claim the Cohan rule if your deductions include certain expenses like entertainment. You’ll also need to explain and document the:

  • Exact purchase amount for products or services
  • Reason for the purchase
  • Dates and locations when you purchased it
  • Other relevant transaction details

2. See if vendors will provide invoices and receipts

To provide the IRS with documentation, you can reach out to vendors to request duplicate receipts.

Since most vendors use online invoicing and billing systems, they’ll have copies of your records.

Keep in mind that some vendors might charge a fee for their time to retrieve past invoices, receipts, and other statements.

3. Find checks, credit card, or bank account statements

If you’re unsure where you made a purchase or can’t contact them to provide copies, search through old checks and bank and credit card statements.

Going through these documents can tell you:

  • How much you spent
  • When you made a purchase
  • What company is the transaction from

You can use this information to reach out to vendors and ask them for receipts or use it to prove your expense is legitimate. Getting copies of the receipts is ideal though, since it will show exactly what you spent money on to count as a tax-deductible expense. 

4. Review your calendar and emails

Reviewing your calendar and email will help you narrow your search for receipts.

When you make a purchase, companies often send payment confirmation and a copy of your receipt to your email. If you know the company’s name, purchase date, or other details, you may find it by quickly searching your inbox. 

If you don’t, looking through your calendar could reveal where you were on certain days. It’s especially helpful to find when you travel for business so you can claim those travel expenses. 

Although this method helps you find transaction details, the IRS doesn’t accept calendars or emails as proof of business expenses.

5. Look at location data and maps on your phone

A similar method for searching for transaction details is to use location data on your phone. Your phone stores a lot of information about your activities throughout the day. 

You can search through your Google search or social media history to find the names of vendors and locations you visited. 

Again, it will help you find where you purchased so you can track down receipts. However, the IRS doesn’t accept location data as proof of your deduction eligibility.

How far back can the IRS go to audit previous tax returns?

During audits, the IRS generally reviews income tax returns for up to three years. However, in certain cases, the IRS may extend this period to six years if they deem it necessary to investigate any issues in your past tax returns. It is crucial to note that such a six-year audit extension is uncommon and is typically reserved for more serious or complex situations.

How bookkeeping and tax services help

Although keeping records and receipts is best, you can claim reasonable business expenses without receipts. If you don’t have receipts, you may not be able to claim the full amount of deductions unless you can prove your claims are legitimate. Missing receipts could mean you have inaccurate records and tax returns, which could trigger an audit. 

Businesses can avoid audits with accurate and organized bookkeeping year-round. However, there are many records that businesses need to keep, including receipts, financial statements, payroll, and much more. It’s understandable if you lose a few receipts or fall behind—many businesses do. 

Professional tax services like Xendoo make bookkeeping easy for businesses. If your business needs catch-up bookkeeping, accounting, tax services, or a combination, chat with a Xendoo accountant. We’ll get to know your business and its bookkeeping and accounting needs during the chat. If you aren’t sure which services you need yet, we’ll help you figure that out.  

This post is intended to be used for informational purposes only and does not constitute as legal, business, or tax advice. Please consult your attorney, business advisor, or tax advisor with respect to matters referenced in our content. Xendoo assumes no liability for any actions taken in reliance upon the information contained herein.

Business Tax Credits to Lower Your Tax Bill

business tax credits

Minimizing your company’s tax burden can help maximize profits. One way of doing this is through business tax credits. Leveraging the right tax credits can save your business thousands of dollars in taxes each year. 

However, there are many types of business tax credits and the IRS has strict eligibility requirements. How do you know which tax credits will save you the most money? An experienced tax professional can identify which credits you’re eligible for and even file them for you. 

This guide goes over business tax credits that could save you money on taxes. You’ll also learn how to maximize their impact with the help of an experienced CPA or tax accountant. 

Small Business Tax Credits vs. Deductions

Small business tax credits and deductions are valuable tools for reducing your tax bill. They are incentives the government offers to reduce the amount of taxes you owe. However, they work in different ways. 

Tax Credits

Unlike deductions, tax credits directly reduce the amount of taxes you owe instead of lowering your taxable income. If you’re eligible, you can lower the amount of taxes you owe dollar-for-dollar. 

For example, let’s say you owe $1,500, but you have a credit worth $500. You could deduct the credit amount ($500) from what you owe ($1,500). Then, your total amount would be $1,000. 

Tax credits can range from investing in research and development to hiring new employees. 

For example, the Work Opportunity Tax Credit rewards small businesses for hiring individuals that meet certain criteria. Knowing which tax credits are available to you and how to use them can significantly impact your business finances.

Tax Deductions

Deductions can move you to a lower tax bracket, so the IRS taxes you at a lower rate. Examples of tax deductions include business expenses like office supplies, equipment, and travel costs.

Deductions can also be tricky as there are different rules for claiming them, and not all expenses are tax deductible. If you’re unsure which small business tax deductions you may qualify for, consult a tax professional.

11 Small Business Tax Credits

The IRS has specific eligibility requirements for each tax credit. To maximize your tax savings, here are 11 of the top tax credits for businesses and how to use them.

1. Work Opportunity Credit (Form 5884)

The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is a federal tax credit available to employers who hire and employ individuals from certain targeted groups. The IRS bases this credit on the employee category, how much you’ve paid them during the first year of employment, and how many hours they’ve worked. 

To qualify, you must hire an eligible worker in one of these categories: 

  • Unemployed veterans
  • Ex-felons
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) recipients
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipients
  • Designated community residents
  • Vocational rehabilitation referrals
  • Long-term family assistance recipients
  • Qualified summer youth employees
  • Qualified long-term unemployed individuals

You can claim the Work Opportunity Tax Credit by completing Form 5884 and submitting it along with your tax return.

form 5884

You must also provide information about newly-hired employees on Form 8850 within 28 days of the hire. You’ll submit this form to your state workforce agency for certification. 

In case of an IRS audit, you should maintain records for your WOTC claims for at least the last four years. Those who meet all eligibility requirements could receive up to 40% of the first $6,000 in wages ($2,400) as a tax credit.

2. R&D Credit (Form 6765)

Businesses that invest in research and development (R&D) activities might be eligible for the R&D Tax Credit. To be eligible, your business must incur expenses for developing or improving a product, process, technique, invention, or software. Qualifying expenses may include wages, supplies, and contract research fees.

Startups that have less than $5 million in annual gross receipts could apply up to $250,000 of the credit to offset payroll taxes. Since the IRS calculates the tax credit amount based on the amount a company spends on R&D, most early-stage startups don’t qualify for the full amount.  

The Inflation Reduction Act increased the maximum threshold from $250,000 to $500,000, starting with the tax year 2023.

To obtain this credit, businesses must submit Form 6765 to their federal income tax return by April 18, 2023. You must also include information about your R&D activities and expenses.   

3. Alternative Fuel and Electric Vehicle Credits

Taxpayers who purchase, lease, or install alternative fuel vehicles and infrastructure are eligible for a series of federal tax credits. The credit amounts vary depending on the type of vehicle or infrastructure you install.

  • Biodiesel and Renewable Diesel Fuels Credit (Form 8864) – Claim a credit of up to $1.00 per gallon of biodiesel, renewable diesel, and alternative fuels you purchase.
  • Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Property Credit (Form 8911) – If you install an alternative fuel vehicle refueling station, you can receive up to $30,000 in tax credits.
  • Biofuel Producer Credit (Form 6478) – This credit is available to taxpayers who produce biodiesel and renewable diesel fuels. The amount varies depending on the type of fuel you produce.
  • Qualified Electric Vehicle Credit (Form 8834) – If you purchase or lease a new electric vehicle, you may be eligible for up to $7,500 in credits.

You’ll need to file the appropriate form with your federal income tax return to claim these credits. Your filing date should match the deadline for your tax return. Alternative fuel and electric vehicle credits may be subject to phase-out dates and other restrictions. It’s best to consult a professional for tax compliance and filing information.

4. Employer-Provided Childcare (Form 8882)

If your business provides childcare assistance to its employees, then you may be eligible for the Employer-Provided Childcare Credit (Form 8882). The government encourages businesses to offer childcare benefits to assist working parents. The credit can offset some of those costs.

To determine eligibility, you’ll need to calculate the cost of qualified expenses for each employee. The credit equals 25% of qualifying expenses up to $150,000. You can also claim 10% of childcare resources and referral expenses.

To claim the Employer-Provided Childcare Credit, submit Form 8882 by the tax return due date. You have up to three years to file claims for this credit. Also, you should keep childcare expense records for at least four years from the filing date.

form 8882

5. Small Employer Health Insurance Premiums (Form 8941)

To offset health insurance coverage expenses, you can use the Small Employer Health Insurance Premiums Credit (Form 8941). You must have fewer than 25 full-time employees and pay at least half the single coverage cost for each employee.

You can calculate the amount of the credit as a percentage (up to 50%) of your health insurance premiums. For non-profits, it is up to 35%. To claim the credit, you must submit Form 8941 with your federal income tax return by April 18, 2023. You will need to provide information about your health coverage and expenses.

6. Paid Family and Medical Leave Credit (Form 8994)

Your business may be eligible for the Paid Family and Medical Leave Credit (Form 8994) if it provides paid leave to employees. The credit encourages businesses to offer paid leave by offsetting the costs. 

To qualify, a business must have a written policy that provides at least four weeks of annual paid family and medical leave to full-time employees. Part-time employees should receive up to two weeks of paid leave.

You can calculate the credit as a percentage (ranging from 12.5% to 25%) of the wages you pay employees while on leave. You must provide records of wages along with Form 8994 by April 18. 2023. 

form 8894

7. Retirement Plan Startup Costs (Form 8881)

Businesses that have a qualified retirement plan are eligible for the federal Retirement Plan Startup Costs tax credit (Form 8881). It incentivizes businesses to offer retirement plans—401(k), SEP, SIMPLE IRA, and others—to employees. 

The maximum credit is 50% of qualifying startup costs with a $500 limit. If your business qualifies you could reduce your tax bill by up to $500. To qualify, a business must have 100 or fewer employees that have received at least $5,000 in compensation from you in the previous year. 

To claim the credit, submit Form 8881. The deadline to submit will vary depending on your tax filing status.

Form 8881

8. Disabled Access Credit (Form 8826)

If you’ve spent money to make your business locations accessible to individuals with disabilities, you may qualify for the federal Disabled Access Credit (Form 8826). Qualifying costs include modifying entrances, restrooms, and parking. 

To apply for the credit, your business must have earned $1 million or less and have fewer than 30 employees. The maximum credit will be 50% of the expenses, with a maximum of $5,000 per year. To receive the credit, you’ll need to submit Form 8826. 

Note, you may also be eligible for a business expense deduction of up to $15,000 too. It’s called the Architectural Barrier Removal Tax Deduction. To be eligible, you must have spent money on making your facility ADA-accessible to the elderly or disabled.

form 8826

9. Energy Efficient Home Credit (Form 8908)

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) brought the Energy Efficient Home Credit (Form 8908) back. If you’re a contractor that has made energy-efficient improvements to homes you sold or rental properties, you may qualify. 

The maximum credit limit for the 2022 tax year is a $500 lifetime credit. As a lifetime credit, any amount you took in previous years would count toward the total $500 limit. 

However, the IRA increased this to an annual credit of up to $1,200 for years after 2022. To qualify for this business tax credit, you must meet energy-efficient improvements. Those may include installing energy-efficient: 

  • Insulation 
  • Windows
  • Water heaters
  • Central air conditioning
  • Furnaces
  • Doors
  • Roofing

To claim this credit, you’ll need to keep records of qualified energy-efficient expenses and file Form 8908. 

10. Low-Income Housing Credit (Form 8586)

To qualify for the Low-Income Housing Credit (Form 8586), your business must develop and operate low-income residential housing. Eligible businesses must meet specific criteria set by the IRS. These include: 

  • Income restrictions
  • Rent limits
  • A commitment to maintain the property over a particular period

You base the credit amount on the qualified basis of the property, which is either 4% or 9% of the project’s gross construction costs. 

11. General Business Credit (Form 3380)

The General Business Credit (Form 3800) tallies up all applicable business tax credits. You calculate the credit as the sum of all applicable business tax credits claimed in the current year. You can carry back unused amounts for one year or carry forward 20 years.

You’ll submit Form 3800 with your federal income tax return. Your tax return deadline will depend on your filing status. When filing, provide information about all the business tax credits you’ll claim during the current year.

Lower Your Tax Bill With a CPA

With knowledge of the tax code, including business tax credits, deductions, and more, your CPA can do more than prepare your taxes. An experienced CPA can provide valuable advice on the best ways to lower your tax bill and maximize the profitability of your business.

Tax credits are powerful tools. Xendoo has a team of in-house bookkeepers, CPAs, and tax experts. You don’t just get business tax services, you get personalized financial advice. 

As tax professionals, we make it our mission to maximize your business tax savings. Schedule a free consultation and we’ll get to know your business and unique tax situation.

This post is intended to be used for informational purposes only and does not constitute as legal, business, or tax advice. Please consult your attorney, business advisor, or tax advisor with respect to matters referenced in our content. Xendoo assumes no liability for any actions taken in reliance upon the information contained herein.


Business Tax Rates: How Much Do Small Businesses Pay in Taxes?

small business tax rates

Filing taxes as a small business owner can be complex, with numerous factors to consider. From tax law revisions to the overwhelming number of forms, understanding your small business tax rate and how to file can be difficult.

Your business entity type and preferred filing status will also affect your tax rate. For example, LLCs that opt for the IRS to tax them as corporations are subject to corporate tax rates. Other businesses like sole proprietorships and limited partnerships may be subject to self-employment taxes. Understanding your entity type and requirements is the first step toward filing your taxes accurately and efficiently.

Tax laws are constantly changing, and it can be challenging to keep up with the latest revisions. A professional tax advisor or CPA can accurately file your business taxes on time. Our experienced tax specialists also know all the deductions and credits that can lower your tax bill.

We’ll cover small business tax rates, filing requirements, and various strategies that can help to reduce your taxes.

Table of contents 

How Are Small Businesses Taxed?

Depending on your business structure and income, you may be subject to one or more types of taxes.

  • Corporate tax
  • Self-employment tax
  • Sales tax
  • Payroll tax

We’ll cover everything you need to know about tax rates for the most popular business entity types—corporations, partnerships, sole proprietorships, and LLCs.

Pass-Through Entities

The IRS considers most U.S. businesses (around 95%) pass-through entities, also known as flow-through entities. Pass-through entities include:

  • Sole proprietorships – Businesses with a single owner 
  • Partnerships – Businesses with two or more owners
  • Limited liability companies (LLCs) – LLC owners can protect their personal assets from their business, but get the tax benefits of a pass-through entity. LLCs can also request the IRS tax them as corporations.
  • S corporations (S corps) – Corporations that have a special tax designation, so the IRS taxes them as pass-through entities.

The biggest advantage of pass-through entities is that they avoid double taxation. The term refers to when the IRS taxes the same income twice—once at the corporation level and again on an individual shareholder’s personal income tax. 


A corporation (C corporation) stands alone from its shareholders. The IRS taxes corporations as separate legal entities, which opens them up to double taxation. C corporations must report profits and earnings to the IRS. The IRS then taxes them at the corporate income tax rate. Shareholders still must file their personal income tax returns and report the corporate dividends and capital gains they get as part of their taxable income. 

Let’s say a corporation earns $1,000,000 in profit and then passes on $200,000 in dividends to its shareholders. The business would have to pay corporate income taxes on the full amount of $1,000,000. Individual shareholders would also be subject to taxation on their share of the $200,000 dividend earnings.

The federal corporate income tax rate currently sits at 21%. A corporation with $100,000 in taxable income would owe $21,000 in taxes. With that said, that’s not necessarily the amount you need to pay. You can apply various small business tax deductions and credits to help reduce your tax liability.

While corporations have advantages, double taxation can be a major drawback. Most small businesses operate as pass-through entities instead.

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Small Business Tax Rates

Unlike C corporations, the IRS taxes income for pass-through entities at the individual level. Owners file and pay taxes on all income—including business earnings—on their personal income tax returns. However, there are specific forms you need to include depending on your business structure. For example, partnerships will file Form 1065. S corporations will file Form 1120-S

If you operate a pass-through entity, your small business tax rate will depend on your income tax bracket. The higher your taxable income, the higher your tax rate. Federal income tax rates range from 10% to as high as 37%. 

It is important to note that pass-through entities may be subject to other taxes, outside of income. For example, you may need to pay self-employment tax. 

Tax rate Single individual income Married (filing jointly) income
10% $10,275 or less $20,550 or less
22% $41,775 $83,550 
24% $89,075 $178,150
32% $170,050 $340,100
35% $215,950 $431,900

Updates to Small Business Tax Rates

The IRS updates small business tax rates yearly to account for inflation or other economic changes. Therefore, you should look out for the latest rules and regulations or consult a tax professional. Legislation also impacts your tax bill. 

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA)

For example, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) made major changes to the U.S. tax code, deductions, credits, and business tax rates. One of the biggest changes is that it lowered the corporate income tax rate from 35% to 21%. It also introduced a 20% deduction for qualified business income (QBI) from pass-through entities. However, some of those changes will phase out in the next few years. 

A total of 23 individual and business tax TCJA provisions are set to expire on December 31, 2025. A tax professional can help you understand these changes and their impact on your business.

Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) also influences how much you could pay in taxes. For one, it increased incentives for electric vehicles and other energy-efficient upgrades. 

It also proposed a minimum tax rate of 15% for corporations that have made over $1 billion over three taxable years. This change has little to no impact on small business taxes. Unless you are a large, publicly traded corporation—think Walmart, Amazon, and Apple—it won’t have an impact on your business taxes. 

What Taxes Do Businesses Pay?

Other than income tax, your small business may be subject to payroll taxes, self-employment taxes, and more. In addition to federal taxes, you may also have state and local taxes. Here is an overview of the taxes that businesses must be aware of:

Payroll or Employment Taxes

If your business has employees, then you’ll need to consider payroll tax. Payroll taxes are the taxes employers pay on employee salaries and wages. They include federal, state, and local taxes and Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) taxes. You’ve likely seen FICA taxes appear as Social Security and Medicare on a paycheck. 

The current FICA tax rate is 7.65% for the employer and 7.65% for the employee, or 15.3% total. As the employer, you’re responsible for withholding the appropriate payroll taxes from your employee’s salary and paying them to the IRS.

You’ll also withhold income tax from employees’ wages. To know how much tax to withhold, you’ll need to collect a W-4 Form from employees before they start work. This IRS form has details like an employee’s address, social security number, and tax filing status. 

In addition to withholding and FICA taxes, there are other types of payroll taxes, including FUTA and SUTA. For example, Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) is an employer-paid tax that funds state unemployment benefits. Likewise, employers pay State Unemployment Tax Act (SUTA) taxes to fund state unemployment benefits.

Quarterly Taxes (Estimated Taxes)

Most sole proprietorships, partnerships, and S corps owners pay estimated taxes to the government on a quarterly basis. Instead of paying taxes all at once, it’s broken into four payments. You must pay estimated taxes if the amount you expect to owe is greater than $1,000.

Quarterly taxes usually fall into two categories—self-employment taxes (Social Security and Medicare) and income taxes. Even though you pay quarterly taxes, you’ll still need to file an annual tax return. 

There are a few ways that you can calculate your estimated taxes. First, you’ll need to estimate your gross income and how much of that is taxable. Then, factor in possible tax savings from deductions and credits. You can also estimate your yearly taxable income and look at the tax rate for your income bracket.

Another method you can use is to look at your tax return for the past year. You can use last year’s figures to estimate your tax liability for this year. However, this method only works if you don’t expect your income to change much year over year.

The due dates are usually April 15, June 15, September 15, and January 15 of each year. However, some of the dates change if they fall on a weekend or holiday. 

Here are the due dates for 2022 and 2023.

2022 tax year 2023 tax year
April 18, 2022 April 18, 2023
June 15, 2022 June 15, 2023
September 15, 2022 September 15, 2023
January 17, 2023 January 16, 2024

If you underpay your estimated taxes or don’t pay them by the due dates, you may be subject to penalties.

Xendoo’s business tax services will help you figure out what you owe if you’re unsure of how to calculate your estimated taxes. 

Self-Employment Taxes

You’ll factor self-employment taxes into your quarterly or estimated tax payments. As the name suggests, self-employment taxes are taxes that self-employed individuals must pay. This includes those who own an unincorporated business or another type of pass-through entity.

Self-employment taxes consist of two separate parts: Social Security and Medicare. Currently, the combined tax rate is 15.3%. This situation differs from employers who only have to pay half of their employees’ Social Security and Medicare taxes. You won’t be subject to these payroll taxes if you don’t have any employees.

When filing your taxes, you can deduct your self-employment tax payments as an adjustment to income on your tax return. This deduction ensures that you aren’t double-taxed on the same money. Other tax credits may be available to small business owners to offset some or all of the cost of paying self-employment taxes.

To avoid paying self-employment taxes, consult a tax professional to discuss incorporating your business. You can take advantage of certain IRS regulations for corporations that may reduce your overall self-employment liability.

Sales Tax

While sales tax laws differ by state, retailers generally collect sales tax when they sell tangible goods to customers within their state. 

The location of the sale, not the business location, will determine how much you pay in sales tax. For example, if your business is in one state but sells to someone in another state, you’ll pay the respective state’s sales tax. Certain states have reciprocal agreements that allow businesses to only collect sales tax from customers within their own state. It’s best to check with an accountant or tax professional to comply with the applicable laws.

In most cases, you’ll need to register with the applicable state government before collecting and remitting its sales tax. This process usually requires you to list the items you plan to sell and provide account information. You must also keep accurate records of all transactions made within the state. Failure to comply with the applicable laws could result in penalties, interest payments, and other fees.

Xendoo’s bookkeepers and CPAs are familiar with tracking and remitting sales tax for all types of businesses, including ecommerce. If you’re interested in sales tax services, we can do a consultation for your business.

Capital Gains Tax

The IRS collects capital gains taxes on the profits you earn from selling an asset such as stocks, real estate, or other investments. 

Capital gains fall into two categories—short-term and long-term. Short-term gains are from assets that you’ve owned for less than one year before selling. Long-term gains are from assets that you’ve owned for more than one year.

Your capital gains tax rate depends on which category it falls under. The IRS taxes short-term capital gains as income. Tax rates for long-term capital gains are different and usually lower than income tax rates. 

Here are 2022 long-term capital gains tax rates. 

Tax filing status 0% rate 15% rate 20% rate
Single Under $41,675 taxable income  $41,675 – $459,750 Over $459,750
Married, filing separately Under $41,675  $41,675 – $258,600 Over $258,600
Head of Household Under $55,800 $55,800 – $488,500 Over $488,500
Married, filing jointly Under $83,350 $83,350 to $517,200 Over $517,200

Keep in mind that capital gains tax rates can vary from this for particular types like collectibles. The time that you own a capital gain can also impact how much you owe in taxes. 

How Much Do Small Businesses Pay in Taxes by State?

In addition to federal income taxes, you’ll likely have state and local taxes. The federal corporate income tax rate is currently 21%, but most states have individual tax rates and rules. 

Currently, 44 states and Washington D.C. impose taxes on corporate income. Top rates range from 2.5% in North Carolina to 11.5% in New Jersey. 

There are also states that don’t have personal income taxes. If you are in one of the below states, you don’t have to file and pay state income taxes on earnings.

  • Alaska
  • Florida
  • Nevada
  • South Dakota
  • Tennessee (on wages)
  • Texas
  • Washington (state)
  • Wyoming

Even though some states don’t have an income tax, they may have other taxes. For example, some states have a gross receipts tax that taxes sales instead of profits. Companies must pay taxes on their total amount of sales, even if they don’t make any profit. Look up your state’s requirements or verify with a tax accountant to comply with the applicable laws.

Small Business Tax Professionals

As a small business owner, filing taxes can be confusing. It can be difficult to understand that tax code and all its complexities. But, with an experienced tax specialist, you shouldn’t have to. 

Xendoo is an all-in-one service. We have expert bookkeepers, accountants (CPAs), and tax specialists in-house. Our experts work together on your accounts and know all the tax code changes to file your tax returns accurately. They can also choose the best tax deductions and credits that will save you and your business money. 

Our bookkeeping plans come with flat monthly fees, so you know exactly what you’re paying each month. If you want to get personalized advice from our tax CPAs, you can add on tax services for as little as $100 per month. We’ll file your taxes too. Schedule a free consultation to see how we can help your business.

This post is intended to be used for informational purposes only and does not constitute as legal, business, or tax advice. Please consult your attorney, business advisor, or tax advisor with respect to matters referenced in our content. Xendoo assumes no liability for any actions taken in reliance upon the information contained herein.

Year-End Bookkeeping and Accounting Checklist for Small Business Owners

Smiling young Asian business owner working on computer and drinking coffee during the holidays

The end of the year is a hectic time for small business owners. Between catching your breath after tax season and managing holiday sales, year-end bookkeeping and accounting tasks understandably fall to the bottom of the to-do list. 

Xendoo is here to help you avoid the year-end scramble. Check out our year-end bookkeeping checklist to organize your finances and successfully wrap up the year. 

1. Get Your Books Caught Up

The first step is to make sure that your books are up-to-date. You can do this by: 

  • Accounting for all bills and invoices, even if they haven’t been paid yet. 
  • Reviewing bank and credit card statements to confirm that they match. 
  • Recording any expenses that you paid for with personal funds. 

Accurate records ensure reliable financial statements. If your books are behind a few months, or even years, you are not alone—25% of business owners are behind on their books. 

Xendoo’s online bookkeepers provide catch up bookkeeping services, so you can focus on the future. 

2. Collect the Necessary Forms

Once January arrives, your accountant will request certain forms to close your books and file your small business taxes. Be sure to collect them as soon as possible to ensure a smooth start to the new year. 

Here are common forms and their deadlines. 

Form W-2

Business owners use form W-2 to report salary information for their employees. It also helps businesses report the taxes they withhold from paychecks. Employees need this information to file their personal tax returns. 

Business owners are responsible for sending this form to the IRS. Employers must provide the form to their employees no later than January 31st so that employees have enough time to file their taxes.

Form W-9

If you worked with an independent contractor or vendor and paid them $600 or more, you will report those payments to the IRS using Form 1099-NEC. 

The information you need to complete this form is on Form W-9, which you can collect from your contractors.

If any W-9s are missing, reach out to your independent contractors and have them complete the form before the end of the year.

Schedule K-1

CPAs provide the Schedule K-1 or Form 1065. The Schedule K-1 must be sent to shareholders and partners by March 15th. 

S-Corporation shareholders and partnership members use it to report their share of the business’s profits and losses. They’ll also include the form with your personal tax return.

Form 1099-K

The 1099-K tracks the payments received through third-party payment networks, like eBay, Stripe, Shopify, PayPal, and others. You should receive one 1099-K from each of the Online Payment Networks you use by January 31st. You are required to complete each one. 

Your gross receipts must be at least as high as the amount that you report on your 1009-K.

The 1099-K shows gross sales, which is the amount before fees are deducted. What appears in your bank account is the Net Amount, the amount after fees are deducted from the Gross Amount. The sales from each vendor must be reported as the Gross Amount, which is what appears on the 1099-K.

If you use freelancer platforms like Upwork or Fiverr to hire independent contractors, they may also send 1099-Ks to your freelancers instead of 1099-NECs. Since they are considered Online Payment Networks, these platforms typically send 1099-Ks to freelancers that make over $20,000 a year and have at least 200 transactions. 

However, if you paid freelancers more than $600 outside of their platforms, then you will need to send out a 1099-NEC. 

Click here to download our Tax Documentation Checklist.

3. Follow Up on Past-Due Invoices

Review past-due invoices to see what you are owed. If there are any outstanding payments, reach out to your customers before the end of the year to successfully close your books. 

4. Account for Inventory

If your business stores inventory, perform an end-of-year inventory count to make sure your totals match your Balance Sheet and your books. This review will provide insight into waste and loss management, as well as reduce inaccuracies in inventory counts and receivings.

Consider utilizing inventory management software to streamline inventory creation and order fulfillment.   

5. Review Your Financial Statements

Once you or your bookkeeper completes your bookkeeping, review your financial statements to confirm your numbers are correct.

You can also take that time to review how your business grew over the course of the year. Was there a steady increase in profits? Can you identify connections between your costs and sales? The financial statements provide visibility to confirm that you are on track to meet your goals, make projections, and prepare for the future.

Click here to learn more about the key financial statements. 

6. Reach Out for Help

Everyone deserves a supportive team of people who care. If you feel overwhelmed with year-end bookkeeping, reach out to an online bookkeeping service

Xendoo’s bookkeeping and accounting team provides monthly bookkeeping and accurate financial reports. We’ll give you financial visibility throughout the year and deliver insights to make strategic business decisions. 

Ring In Success

Juggling the holidays with running a business can be hectic. Although this year-end bookkeeping and accounting checklist can help you prepare for tax time, you don’t have to do it alone. Xendoo has a range of plans with flat monthly fees. You can get certified, professional online bookkeeping, accounting, tax, or CFO services to help you manage your finances and grow your business. 

Schedule a call with one of our online accountants to get started.




21 Small Business Tax Deductions You Need to Know

A person works on their laptop.

A person works on their laptop.

Many small business owners miss out on tax savings simply because they aren’t aware of what tax deductions are available. As professional accountants, we know all the small business tax deductions that can save you money, and we’re sharing them in this tax deductions checklist. 

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of what you can count as a tax deduction, let’s define what a tax deduction is and isn’t.

What is a tax deduction?

You may also hear people refer to tax deductions as tax write-offs. Put simply, it’s an expense that you can deduct or subtract from your total taxable income. 

The benefit of tax deductions is that as you lower your total taxable income, you could lower the percent you pay. There are different tax deductions for small businesses and individuals. For this, we are focused on small business tax deductions. 

The actual amount that you’ll pay in taxes depends on many factors like your tax bracket (how much taxable income you have), where you operate your business, and what type of business you have (C-corp, sole proprietorship, LLC, partnership, or S-corp). The IRS Publication 535 has about 60 pages of details related to business expenses, tax deductions, tax credits, and more, so it can be confusing for new companies.

Tax Deduction vs Tax Credit

A tax deduction and tax credit can both save you money on taxes, but they are different terms. 

Tax deductions can lower the amount of taxable income. For example, tax brackets–a range of annual income–are used for income tax. If your income falls within a lower range, the percent of income taxed may be lower. 

Tax credits are set amounts that are subtracted from your total taxes owed. If you qualify for a business tax credit, the amount of that credit is subtracted directly from the amount of taxes you pay. 

  • Tax credit – If your business owes $40,000 in taxes and you qualify for a $10,000 tax credit, you’d owe $30,000. 

Now that we have a clear understanding of what counts as a tax deduction vs tax credit, let’s dive into the specifics, so you can start saving some money on taxes.

Top Small Business Tax Deductions Checklist

To figure out if you qualify for a small business tax deduction, first identify what business expenses you have. Most business expenses are tax-deductible, but it can be tricky to track and separate them from personal expenses. 

This small business tax deductions checklist will help you do just that. You can click on each section below to go directly to that tax deduction. Some of the common small business tax deductions are: 

  1. Home office 
  2. Office supplies 
  3. Rent expenses
  4. Business insurance 
  5. Bank fees 
  6. Interest
  7. Car expenses
  8. Travel expenses
  9. Phone expenses
  10. Employee wages
  11. Employee benefits
  12. Education and training
  13. Business meal expenses
  14. Contract labor
  15. Advertising and marketing
  16. Legal, accounting, and professional fees
  17. Conventions and trade shows
  18. Gifts
  19. Charitable deductions
  20. Equipment and depreciation
  21. Repair and maintenance

Let’s take a look at each of these small business tax deductions in-depth.

1. Home office 

Many people have questions regarding a home office deduction. So many people have been working from home since the Covid-19 pandemic, but only those who meet the home office guidelines can include this expense in their small business tax deductions.

If you use part of your home as an office and you run a self-employed, partnership, or other business, you may qualify. However, your home office needs to meet certain criteria. If it fits any of these descriptions, you likely qualify for a home office deduction.

  • Your home office is your primary place of business. If you designate a physical store or other location as your office, then you wouldn’t qualify. 
  • It is where you conduct business, meet regularly with clients, and complete orders. 
  • It is a separate structure (like a guest house or studio) that is not connected to your place of residence. 

If you do qualify, you can deduct office expenses like utilities, mortgage payments, and even repairs. You can do this by using one of two methods–simplified or regular deductions.

Simplified Deductions

If you use the simplified option for claiming tax deductions, the IRS permits you to deduct $5 per square foot of office space. However, you’ll be capped at a maximum of 300 square feet, which often prevents you from claiming garage space as a work area.

Regular Deductions

Using the regular method, you’ll need to determine the square footage of your home office and express this area as a percentage of your home’s total square footage. You can then apply this percentage to all home expenses.

For example, if your home office represents 10% of your home’s total square footage, you can deduct 10% of expenses which include: 

  • Rent or mortgage interest
  • Property taxes
  • Utilities
  • Homeowner’s insurance
  • Homeowner’s association (HOA) fees
  • Cleaning services

Can you deduct the cost of your home’s Internet? Yes. Like your other utilities, you’ll simply deduct a percentage of the cost of the Internet service for the year, including monthly fees, equipment, and installation.

Just be aware that the IRS keeps a fairly close eye on these types of deductions. It never hurts to snap a few photos to document your workspace to demonstrate it’s used for business.

While the home office deduction is beneficial for many, those looking for broader investment opportunities might consider the benefits of owning commercial property. Commercial real estate can not only enhance your business asset portfolio but also offer additional tax deductions such as depreciation, property tax, and interest deductions, which are significant compared to standard home office deductions.

A banner advertising Xendoo's small business tax services. A young accountant smiles, with buttons for business & personal tax returns, tax consultations and preparations, and best-in-class support appearing next to her.

2. Office supplies

There are many things to buy for an office, from purchasing all new supplies to ordering more printer paper throughout the year. These are some typical tax-deductible office supplies. 

  • Paper
  • Pens, highlighters, and pencils
  • Toilet paper
  • Business cards
  • Furniture
  • Mailing supplies
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Staplers
  • Breakroom appliances
  • Drinks for employees

Mailing supplies may not fit into the office supplies category. If your small business sells homemade crafts and buys mailing envelopes to mail those crafts, that falls into a separate category for the cost of goods sold. Sending letters to customers or mailing a check to pay rent would be considered office supplies for small business tax deductions. 

3. Rent expenses

For many small business owners, rent is a rather large expense that can be deducted from your taxable income. However, you can only subtract business rent expenses, not personal living expenses. 

If you have a physical store or business that you pay rent for, it qualifies for a tax deduction. The exception to this is rent paid for a residential dwelling out of which you work. Even if you have a home office, you can’t deduct your home’s rental expenses from your taxes.

4. Business insurance

Premiums for business insurance are a sizable overhead cost, but luckily, many qualify as a tax deduction. These business insurance costs are tax-deductible: 

  • General liability insurance
  • Professional liability insurance
  • Commercial property insurance
  • Workers’ compensation insurance
  • Data breach insurance

Typically, these policy types are regarded as common and necessary for the operation of your business, so you can deduct 100% of the full amount of your monthly premiums, as well as any additional fees required for maintaining the policy.

You may have other insurance policies that are unique to your niche. If you’re unsure, it’s a good idea to contact a tax accountant to verify whether or not they count as a tax deduction.

5. Bank fees

Small businesses should have separate bank accounts and credit cards that are solely for company use. This keeps personal and business expenses separate.

Since you’ll be relying on a business bank account, bank fees can be counted among your business expenses, though only those that relate to normal business operations. Monthly fees, for example, can be deducted, but overdraft penalties cannot.

Many small businesses use Paypal, Square, or other services to take credit or debit card payments. These services typically charge service fees. These fees from financial institutions can also be claimed as tax deductions. 

6. Interest

If you have a small business loan, credit card, or investor funding, you likely pay interest on it throughout the year. Interest paid on loans and other finances are tax deductions. 

You can deduct the amount of interest paid on:

  • Business loans
  • Business credit cards
  • Mortgage loans to buy or improve your home or business property
  • Home equity loans
  • Money borrowed for investment (if the investment has more interest than income, you can carry forward the overage to next year)

Keep in mind that this doesn’t include gifts or loans that are through family members. It is hard to verify the interest paid on loans that aren’t through qualified lenders. 

7. Car expenses

Traveling for business is common for many company owners as they meet with clients and pick up supplies. When a personal vehicle is used for business purposes, this use can be deducted based on a standard mileage rate or actual expenses. 

  • The standard mileage rate deduction for the 2021 tax year is .56 cents per mile. If you drove your car 100 miles strictly for business-related activities, you could deduct $56 from your taxable income. For 2022, the mileage rate is .585 cents per mile. For 100 miles, you could deduct $58.5. 

Mileage rate deductions allow business owners to track the number of miles they have driven for business purposes and multiply that number by the average mileage deduction rate for that year. 

An actual expense method accounts for all costs related to car expenses. It requires receipts of gas and all vehicle costs–including repairs, insurance, fuel, and registration payments–to be supplied and multiplied by the number of miles driven. To decide which method to use, choose the one that gives you the greatest deduction. Most business owners go with the standard mileage rate.

8. Travel expenses

Outside of vehicle expenses, travel-related expenses may be tax write-offs. To qualify as a travel expense, it has to be necessary business travel, not travel for entertainment. In general, businesses can no longer deduct entertainment expenses for taxes. 

If you reimburse employees for travel, you can count that as a tax deduction. For the most part, travel deductions are expenses you incur while traveling away from your tax home (where you usually pay taxes). 

For instance, If you need to travel across the country to meet with suppliers, then you can deduct those expenses. 

Other travel tax deductions include: 

  • Business meals and lodging
  • Travel fares for planes, trains, buses, or other transportation
  • Dry cleaning and laundry services
  • Parking fees 
  • Cab rides
  1. Why is it important to keep records of business travel expenses, and how detailed should these records be?

It is crucial to keep records of business travel expenses to substantiate deductions to the IRS. These records should be detailed, including specific amounts, dates, trip details, mileage logs, and the business purpose for the travel, to ensure accurate and valid documentation for tax purposes.


  1. What details should be included in records to support deductions for business travel expenses?

Records supporting deductions for business travel expenses should include the amount of each expense, return and departure dates, trip details (such as whom you met with), a mileage log if you used your vehicle, and the business reason for the trip.


  1. What are examples of other similar ordinary and necessary expenses related to business travel?

Examples of other deductible, IRS-approved business travel expenses include using your car at a business location, parking and toll fees, the cost of taxis and other transportation methods, meals and lodging, tips, laundry and dry cleaning, business calls, shipping of baggage, and other necessary expenses related to business travel.


  1. What is considered the tax home for business travel?

Your tax home is defined as the entire city or area where you conduct business, regardless of where you live. Travel has to be away from your tax home to be considered for business purposes.


  1. What criteria must be met for a trip to qualify as business travel?

To qualify as business travel, a trip must be ordinary, necessary, and away from your tax home. It should also be longer than a normal day’s work and require you to sleep or rest en route.

Any travel performed in the operation of your business can be deducted from your taxes. In most cases, conference tickets can also be claimed as a business expense, provided the conference is related to your company. You can find a full list of tax-deductible travel expenses from the IRS here.


9. Phone expenses

If you have a cell phone devoted to your business, you can deduct the cost of your plan. This would include the monthly fee, the cost of the phone itself, and any other charges associated with setup and activation.

If you rely on your personal cell phone, you’ll have to deduct the cost of the portion of the bill devoted to business use. This can be tricky since your cell phone is likely used for more than just phone calls, but you can make a reasonable estimate by examining data usage and time spent using the phone.

10. Employee wages

Salaries, including commissions and bonuses, are fully tax-deductible. You can subtract the full amount. 

The exception to this is if your business is a sole proprietorship, LLC, or partnership, and you do not have employees other than yourself. Because you aren’t considered an employee, you wouldn’t deduct your income as an employee wage. 

If you have family members working in your small business, there are additional tax considerations.

Family members who legally work for your business and are under 18 may be exempt from paying FICA, also referred to as federal payroll tax. If a family member is under 21, you may not need to pay FUTA or federal unemployment tax for them. 

11. Employee benefits

Although employee benefits can be costly for employers, they improve the quality of the workplace and increase staff morale. Health insurance is quite expensive for employers, but it greatly benefits employees. Under certain guidelines, it may be tax-deductible. 

Other employee benefits include paid time off, vacation time, retirement, and life insurance. 

12. Education and training 

Many businesses require employee training for OSHA safety, insurance license exams, and other certifications. Plus, many employees today see personal development and education budgets as a job benefit. 

Paying for employees’ training and education is not only a good incentive for workers to continue working for the business, but it also helps decrease your taxable income.

You can write off 100% of the costs associated with training that is directly related to your business knowledge and expertise. Business education tax deductions include

  • Classes, seminars, webinars, and workshops
  • Business books
  • Subscriptions to trade publications
  • Transportation expenses to and from the education venue

13. Business meal expenses

Wining and dining clients is a common practice. As is, showing appreciation to your employees by providing food and beverages.

You can often deduct 50% of meal costs from your business taxes, but these dining experiences must follow specific guidelines. They must be necessary and not outside of typical business arrangements. You can also deduct meals with clients, but only when they happen during business meetings. 

If you and a client decide to see a movie or sporting event, these entertainment costs will not count among your normal and necessary business expenses. Therefore, there is no deduction for them.

Here are some examples of business meal expense deductions.

  • The amount spent on food for recreational business activities like holiday gatherings or pizza parties.
  • Providing food delivery for remote employees for a virtual event. 
  • Meals that are purchased while an employee is traveling for business. 

As part of the Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2020, the IRS temporarily allowed for 100% meal-related tax deductions. This will end in 2023.

Business meal expense deductions can save you a lot of money on taxes, but it’s important to know what qualifies and what doesn’t. If you aren’t sure, a professional accountant can help you get the proper amount to write off, but you should keep track of all receipts for food expenses.

14. Contract Labor

In addition to the expenses of W-2 employees, business owners can deduct the fees associated with independent contractors and freelancers (1099 employees), as long as:

  • The contractor must not be an employee
  • They must have provided services for business purposes only

15. Advertising and marketing

Many business owners set aside a large budgeted amount each year for marketing expenses. Marketing and advertising are a huge part of getting the word out about your business–and they are a tax deduction. 

All expenses associated with marketing and promoting your business are tax-deductible. This includes:

  • Social media campaigns
  • Local newspaper ads
  • Radio or television spots
  • Digital marketing

There are also some less well-known marketing tax deductions to consider like: 

Design or content creation contractors

If you hire a designer or copywriter contractor–not an employee–to produce content for your business, you can deduct their wages, just as you would any other 1099 worker.

Marketing software and tools

You can also deduct marketing tools that you use to run email campaigns or manage your social media calendar. If you use subscription-based services, like Mailchimp or Hubspot, the cost of your annual subscriptions also counts toward tax deductions. 

Promotional products

T-shirts, pens, or promotional products that have your company name or logo on them are considered advertisements. These swag products are tax deductions as well as great tools for marketing.

For many business owners, these write-offs are an encouragement to invest in marketing. You’ll gain more exposure for your business while finding yourself in a more favorable position during tax season.

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Many small businesses don’t realize that they can deduct costs to hire lawyers and accountants. Because legal and accounting are necessary expenses to operate a business, they count as tax write-offs.

This small business tax deduction covers any consultants you hire for running your business, including attorneys, accountants, tax preparers, and advertising agencies.

However, the tasks that these professionals conduct must be strictly for your company. Personal legal and accounting fees like estate planning are not tax-deductible. 

17. Conventions and trade shows

For many artists and home-based small businesses, trade shows and conventions are necessary to obtain customers and sales. These shows can get expensive when you’re paying for hotels, meals, booth fees, and other related expenses.

You can deduct these expenses from business taxes so long as they are necessary. Many of the common things businesses pay for at these shows include:

  • Registration fees
  • Supplies
  • Travel expenses
  • Hotels away from home
  • Marketing expenses

While these expenses add up, they can be substantial small business tax deductions.

18. Gifts

If you gift employees or customers gifts, you may be able to deduct the cost. However, compared to other expenses, it is a pretty low amount. According to the IRS guidelines, there is a limit of $25 per tax year for gifts. 

19. Charitable business deductions

For many businesses, charity work is a great way to give back to the community that they work hard to serve. Companies donate to charities in the form of physical goods or monetary donations. So long as these are given to qualifying charities, you can deduct these contributions. 

Keep receipts for any goods purchased for the charity as well as for cash donations. If the gift is over $250, you’ll want to get a receipt or acknowledgment from the organization.

In addition to goods, you can deduct costs associated with volunteering. According to the IRS, travel and other out-of-pocket expenses not reimbursed by the charity are eligible for a deduction. Expenses include flights, gas, hotels away from home, and meals.

20. Equipment and depreciation

Equipment deductions apply to any machinery, computers, or other items necessary to perform a business. These items will often depreciate with time, so you may be able to count a depreciation deduction. 

For a small business that creates custom T-shirts, equipment might include a heat press or a vinyl cutter. For a woodworking shop, equipment might consist of drills, a saw, and a nail gun. 

Equipment should not be confused with supplies, including T-shirts for the first company or nails, screws, and wood glue for the second company. 

21. Repair and maintenance

You will eventually need to get equipment repaired or routinely serviced. This can be a tax deduction, but it is considered separate from an equipment purchase. For instance, this would fall under the equipment repair category whenever you require something like a computer repair.

Businesses that use large, heavy machinery that is prone to breaking down can use this deduction to deduct costs associated with repair and maintenance. Also, real estate owners may be able to deduct non-equipment repair costs for routine maintenance items like painting a building. Be careful to check before investing money into particular projects, because there are strict guidelines around what qualifies as repair or maintenance. 

Preparing taxes comes with many questions for those who don’t do it daily. It can lead to an immense amount of time browsing the IRS website to answer questions that a professional can answer in minutes. 

Tax season can be a stressful time for many businesses. There are so many deductions to consider. Preparing taxes comes with many questions for those who don’t do it daily. It can lead to an immense amount of time browsing the IRS website to answer questions that a professional can answer in minutes. 

When questions arise concerning state and federal taxes or possible deductions, it helps to have a tax prep professional ready to answer any questions. Our staff is certified by the IRS to perform tax preparation. Finding answers to questions regarding qualifications for small business tax deductions is simple.

Why is good record-keeping important for maximizing tax deductions?

Good record-keeping is essential for maximizing tax deductions because it serves as concrete evidence to support the deductions claimed on tax returns. By maintaining accurate records of expenses and transactions, individuals or businesses can substantiate their eligibility for various deductions, thereby reducing their tax liability. Without proper documentation, it can be challenging to prove the legitimacy of claimed deductions to tax authorities or in the event of an audit. In summary, meticulous record-keeping is crucial to ensure that deductions are valid, compliant with tax regulations, and successfully retained in the face of scrutiny from tax authorities.




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Filing Your Schedule C: A Simple Guide

a person filing their schedule C form

A real estate records her numbers for the week on a laptop,

Are you a small business owner? If so, you may be looking for advice on filing your Schedule C. The IRS Schedule C is used by sole proprietors and single-owner LLCs to report your small business taxes and is part of your personal tax return.

We understand that business taxes can seem confusing, if not overwhelming. That’s why we’re here to help you with filing your Schedule C so you can stay in compliance and get back to business.

Is it Worth Filing a Schedule C?

As with other details surrounding your small business taxes, it’s unfortunately not a question of whether it’s “worth” filing your Schedule C. Schedule C is required for the following business types:

  • Single-owner LLC
  • Sole proprietor

The only other business type that might need Schedule C is when two married people organize a special type of partnership known as a Qualified Joint Venture. In this instance, the couple will use two Schedule C forms when filing small business taxes.

Using a Schedule C doesn’t exempt you from paying your quarterly estimated business taxes, of course. You’ll still need to make these regular estimated payments to avoid any penalties and fees when it comes time to file your return. 

Your Schedule C will help determine your actual tax debt for the year, and you can then see how it compares with your quarterly estimates.

Can I File a Schedule C By Itself?

By itself, a Schedule C will not count as an acceptable tax filing form. Instead, a Schedule C must be submitted along with your personal income taxes using Form 1040. Your Schedule C can be submitted electronically with your personal income tax or stapled to your paper form.

To understand this better, consider the way that small business taxes are typically handled. Sole proprietorships and single-owner LLCs are legally considered pass-through entities. 

This designation means that your business is not considered to be a taxable entity by itself. Instead, the profits from your business go directly to you, the owner. This passthrough means that you’ll report business income when you file your personal tax returns each year.

Your Schedule C, therefore, contains detailed information about your company’s financial performance for the relevant tax year, including:

  • Income
  • Expenses
  • Cost of goods/supplies

 This information will be used to calculate a net profit or loss, which will be recorded on Form 1040. Keep in mind that there is no minimum income requirement. All sole proprietors and single-owner LLCs will have to file Schedule C each tax year.

A banner advertising Xendoo's small business tax services. A young accountant smiles, with buttons for business & personal tax returns, tax consultations and preparations, and best-in-class support appearing next to her.

What Do I Need to File a Schedule C?

Filing your Schedule C isn’t complicated, though you’ll need some time to complete the details, as well as the information necessary to complete the forms properly. You can expect to need the following pieces of business data for your Schedule C:

  • Your business income statement for the tax year
  • Your company’s balance sheet for the tax year
  • Receipts for any and all business expenses
  • Inventory records (if applicable)
  • Mileage records

If you operate more than one business, you’ll need a separate Schedule C for each one. This setup isn’t terribly common, of course, but if you receive income from multiple side hustles, you’ll have to report for each using its own Schedule C.

How Do I Submit a Schedule C?

Ultimately, you’ll use Schedule C to calculate your net profit or loss for the year. Your net business profit will then be recorded on Form 1040 as personal income. Calculating these figures isn’t challenging, but it can be a bit intimidating if you’re not used to doing your own business tax preparation. We’ll walk you through each step.

Step One: Gather Information About Your Business

Start by gathering as much information as you can about your business. This step is all about data. You’ll want to have records about items such as:


  • Your business income for that tax year
  • Cost of goods sold
  • Any business expenses

Remember, you can calculate business expenses the same way you always would, including items such as office supplies, mileage, utilities, meals, and others. 

You won’t have to show supporting documentation when filing your Schedule C, though anytime you’re dealing with the IRS, you’ll want to make sure to have receipts, business documents, and any other paperwork to authenticate your earnings and expenses for the relevant tax year.

Step Two: Calculate Your Gross Profit and Income

Now that you have your information gathered, you can start filling out your Schedule C. Under section I, you’ll report your sales and the cost of goods sold. Your expenses can be reported under section II. 

But here, you’ll also calculate your gross profit from your business. To calculate your gross profit, you’ll first need to determine your net receipts. You can accomplish this through the following calculations:

  • Gross sales – returns and allowances = net receipts
  • Net receipts – the cost of goods sold = gross profit

Once you have your gross profit, you can simply add it to any other income you’ve received to calculate your total gross income.

Step Three: Deduct Your Business Expenses

Check your form, and you’ll see that deductible business expenses are listed on lines 8 through 27. These lines account for expenses such as:

  • Depletion
  • Depreciation
  • Section 179 expenses
  • Employee benefits
  • Insurance
  • Interest
  • Legal and professional fees
  • Office expenses
  • Meals
  • Rental of vehicles or equipment
  • Travel expenses
  • Office supplies and furniture
  • Utilities
  • Wages and employment costs (e.g., benefits, unemployment insurance)

The more deductions you take, the greater your profits will be. But before you start taking deductions, be aware that there may be some stipulations associated with certain categories or expenses. If you’re ever in doubt, ask a tax professional.

Step Four: Deduct Your Home Office

Many small business owners work from home. If that applies to you, you’ll have two options for reporting the expense associated with your home office.

Option A allows you to take a deduction based on the total square footage of your home. 

Using Form 8829, you’ll take the total area of your home, then determine the percentage occupied by your home office. So if your home is 1,000 square feet, and your office is 100 square feet, it occupies 10% of your home. This percentage can be included on line 30 of Schedule C.

Option B is simpler, allowing you to take a standard deduction on home business space up to 300 square feet. 

The IRS allows you to take a $5 deduction per square foot on this space, to a maximum of $1500. This amount will also be reported on line 30 of Schedule C, and there is no separate form to fill out.

Just remember that to take this deduction, your home office space must be devoted to the regular and exclusive use of your business; otherwise, you cannot legally qualify for this deduction.

Step Five: Provide Other Details About Your Deductions

After this, you’ll complete parts IV and V of Schedule C. These are primarily information sections. Part IV asks for information about your vehicle relating to driving frequency, mileage, etc.

Part V will allow you to provide any additional details about other expenses you may be deducting. The total will be recorded on line 27 of Schedule C.

Step Six: Calculate Your Net Profit

You’re now ready to calculate your net income. To do this, simply follow the following steps:

  • Enter your total expenses on Line 28
  • Subtract Line 28 from Line 7. This total will give you your tentative profit on Line 29
  • Subtract business expenses from your home (Line 30) to get net profit (Line 31)

Profit will be reported as personal income, but a business loss must be accounted for on lines 32a and 32b to determine your risk.

Step Seven: Add Schedule C to Form 1040

The net profit/loss from line 31 of Schedule C can now be recorded on Schedule 1, line 12 of Form 1040. You’ll then file Schedule C along with Form 1040 (and any other tax paperwork) when you file your personal income taxes.

Is a Schedule C the Same as a 1099?

A Schedule C is a very different form from a 1099. Form 1099 is used to indicate that a company has paid an employee as a contractor or independent employee. So if you employed these individuals during your tax year, you’ll be responsible for filling out Form 1099s and distributing them to these contractors.

However, Form 1099 may be necessary to fill out Schedule C. Any money you spent on employees would be classified as a business expense, and therefore should be included when filing your Schedule C.

Specifically, part II of your Schedule C will provide space for you to record business expenses, which would include any money you paid to contract employees in the past tax year.

Skip the Headache: Let the Experts Handle Your Schedule C

Filing your Schedule C isn’t difficult, but the easiest thing of all is to turn to professional tax services for all of your tax planning and preparation. Xendoo offers tax preparation for small business so that you can stay focused on your company and not on your tax obligations.

To learn more, simply click here to get started. Our free trial can show you how Xendoo’s innovative features can take the stress out of your tax preparation.


22 Startups to Watch in 2022 by South Florida Business Journal

An illustrated rocket in a blue background

This Startups to Watch featured by the South Florida Business Journal includes businesses from a variety of industries, with everything from virtual reality to psychedelic mental health care represented. The companies are tackling the future of work, crypto investing, real estate development, banking, and more. They’re also attracting substantial funding from investors with an eye out for early-stage startups poised for growth in the years to come. Xendoo is honored to be mentioned among an amazing group of companies.